Privredna komora Zeničko-dobojskog kantona partner na LEEWAY projektu u okviru programa Interreg Europe
Privredna komora Zeničko-dobojskog kantona postala je partner na LEEWAY projektu koji je odobren u okviru prvog poziva programa Interreg Europe.
Projekat LEEWAY („LEading coopEration toWArds energy communities policies tackling energy povertY“) usmjeren je na lokalne i regionalne vlasti koje moraju stvoriti uslove, odnosno ukloniti prepreke za razvoj zajednica koje energiju dobivaju iz obnovljivih izvora, prije svega od vjetra i sunca, te je u skladu sa energetskim ciljevima Evropske unije definiranim u Evropskom zelenom planu, odnosno u EU Direktivi o promociji upotrebe energije iz obnovljivih izvora (RED II).
Energetske zajednice koje se temelje na vjetru i suncu smanjit će ovisnost o fosilnim gorivima, emisiju stakleničkih plinova, te doprinijeti borbi protiv energetskog siromaštva. U sklopu projekta bit će organizirana studijska putovanja, na kojima će lokalni stakeholderi učiti iz međunarodnih primjera dobre prakse.
Vodeći partner u LEEWAY projektu je agencija SIPRO iz Italije, dok projektno partnerstvo okuplja ukupno 9 projektnih partnera iz 7 evropskih država, uključujući i Privrednu komoru Zeničko-dobojskog kantona, kao predstavnika Bosne i Hercegovine.
Projekat se sastoji iz 3 faze:
- 1. Period implementacije: 01/03/2023 – 28/02/2026
- 2. Faza praćenja: 01/03/2026 – 28/02/2027
- 3. Faza zatvaranja: 01/03/2027 – 31/05/2027
The Chamber of Commerce of Zenica-Doboj Canton became a partner in the LEEWAY project, which was approved within the first call of the Interreg Europe programme.
The LEEWAY project ("Leading coopEration toWards energy Communities policies tackling energy poverty") is aimed at local and regional authorities to create conditions, i.e. remove obstacles for the development of communities that obtain energy from renewable sources, primarily from wind and solar, and is by the energy goals of the European Union defined in the European Green Deal, i.e. in the EU Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED II).
Energy communities based on wind and solar will reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to the fight against energy poverty. As part of the project, study trips will be organized, where local stakeholders will learn from international examples of good practice.
The leading partner in the LEEWAY project is the SIPRO agency from Italy, while the project partnership gathers a total of 9 project partners from 7 European countries, including the Chamber of Commerce of Zenica-Doboj Canton, as representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The project consists of 3 phases:
- 1. Implementation Period – 01/03/2023 – 28/02/2026
- 2. Follow-up phase – 01/03/2026 – 28/02/2027
- 3. Closure phase – 01/03/2027 – 31/05/2027
Website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/leeway
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550291231469
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leeway_project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/leeway_project